The categories reflected all levels of the organisation in terms of scope and experience, comprising Rockstar Rookie; Unsung Hero; Future Star; Memorable Mentor; and Simply the Best.
📢 Cue drumroll for the 2020 winners 🎉
Rockstar Rookie - Rachit Shah, Online Communications Executive
Unsung Hero - Ashik Kunnath, Accountant
Future Star - JC Borromeo, Operations Manager
Memorable Mentor - Wenonah Parkes, Head of Additional Exhibition Services
Simply the Best - Abdul Muhsin, Marketing Manager
Making a difference
The 2020 awardees have inspired their friends to rise to the occassion and fetch that gold in 2021.
But for our talented 5 the journey has just begun. They have been brainstorming together to create a series of programs and initiatives dedicated to empowering and motivating their MFME family. The team has been working closely with CEO Simon Mellor and Head of Human Resources Loida Vasquez to indentify what makes a team successful and grow together. Exploring areas of mentorship, training, performance management and overall talent development.
The goal was to create a legacy this year, representative of the category, which all of the award winners have collaborated on. They include;
From the Rockstar Rookie
A far more developed and accountable staff induction framework that provides a step by step process for the first three months. New joiners are given a more detailed explanation of the role, their team’s function within the Middle East business. In addition, we provide a contextual understanding of the various departments across the business and even present the global business. Included in the structure are clear plans for HR, Line managers and even welcome kits. As a part of the structured induction we have also created a ‘buddy’ system to accelerate the settling in process, providing a friendly face to connect with. We conducted an internal workshop to clarify what we wanted the buddie system to provide to newcomers
From the Future Star
We’re creating a Mentoring program to ensure our stars are groomed for future greatness. In drafting the six month program and recruiting mentors we also uncovered the need to instigate a Coaching program. That is still in the development phase, and as a part of that we’re seeking a trainer to conduct a workshop for middle managers. Our shortlist of Future stars, plus additional notable individuals will be invited to take part in the Mentoring program.
From the Unsung hero
We’ve recognised that the frequency of the award could be increased, creating an award each three to four months rather than once a year. We’re developing a process to provide reward and recognition for not only the nominated staff member, but also the person who has noticed and nominated their colleague’s work
From the Memorable mentor
We linked the development program for the Future Stars and the need for coaching combining both elements as a new HR development program. In essence we’ve created not only a Mentoring program for our Stars but also uncovered the need for greater coaching across our managers
From our Best of the best
With digital development being such a passion of Abdul’s and such a relevant topic for the business, we’re in the process of constructing a series of invited speakers to present to the marketing teams during a six month period. These will be speakers that can share their experiences and failures in developing digital communities, how they formed the plan, what steps they took and the mistakes they made before arriving at a thriving online community.
TENacious Talent
We celebrated our MFME family who have now completed a decade, yes, you read it right! 10 YEARS with Messe Frankfurt Middle East. Their dedication and experience have been an inspiration to us all. Let us celebrate their journey and thank them for their tireless commitment and dedication 😍
Syed Ali Akbar Zaidi
Show Director - Paperworld ME, Gifts & Lifestyle ME
Rakshit Ramankutty
Head of Exhibition Marketing
Nathan Lloyd
Chief Operating Officer
Phoebe Montero
Social Media Manager
Shakil Pathilveedu
Head of Information Technology
Sheree Ann Fernando
Sales Manager - Automechanika Dubai
Cindy Vacalares
Sales Coordinator - Beautyworld ME
Gil Duran
Sales Coordinator - Automechanika Dubai
Ravi Ramchandni
Sponsorship Sales Manager - Beautyworld ME